Monday, August 6, 2007

More Logistics

This morning I started the day with a couple of hours worth of paper work getting all of the proper stuff together for our 501 3c status. I had no idea that there was so much paper work involved in the process. It wasn't that hard, just time consuming.

After that I headed off to meet with a sound and projection guy. He is working us up a qoute for all of our sound system and projection needs. We won't necessarily have all of the bells and whistles but we will have enough to be functional from the start. We will be making a decision on what system this week. We are working with my friend Danny Crawford at the Music Maker in Easley. Be sure and check those guys out if you are in need of anything sound equipment related.

After I left Easley, it was off to Greenville to the lawyers office to get our paper work checked out. I left there and then went by Comp USA where I spent the better part of 2 hours checking about exactly what Macs we would need for our editing, graphics and presenting. After that it was after five and I called it a day.

Tommorrow is the big day with the school board and I hope to be able to share our location with everyone on Wednesday. I also will be sharing more on the vision of Stone Bridge when I share the location. Things are getting exciting. There is a buzz in the air and I can't wait to see what takes place.

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